Warisan Sastra Intertestamental Yahudi bagi Doktrin Trinitas Surat Efesus

Paulus Dimas Prabowo


The doctrine of the Trinity in the New Testament, especially in Paul's writings, is often thought to have a legacy from Greek culture. However, most of the New Testament writers, including Paul, were first century Jews with Second Temple Period Judaism. Therefore, observations of the doctrine of the Trinity need to look at Jewish intertestamenal literature, including the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Qumran Texts which project the thoughts of the Second Temple Period of Judaism. Through thematic and comparative analysis methods, it was found that intertestamental Jewish literature inherited the doctrine of the Trinity in Ephesians in the form of the concept of God as Father, conveying the people as children of God (adopted), the Messiah as Lord and Son of God, the role of Messiah King and Messiah Priest, The dead Messiah, as well as the concept of the Holy Spirit dwelling within the community, provided the impetus for prophecy, as well as being a source of knowledge, guide and protector. Finally, it can be confirmed that Jewish influence is far greater than Greek influence in the doctrine of the Trinity.

Doktrin Trinitas di dalam Perjanjian Baru, khususnya dalam tulisan-tulisan Paulus, sering dianggap memiliki warisan dari budaya Yunani. Namun kebanyakan penulis kitab Perjanjian Baru, termasuk Paulus, merupakan orang-orang Yahudi abad pertama dengan pandangan Second Temple Periode Judaism. Oleh sebab itu, pengamatan terhadap doktrin Trinitas perlu melihat sastra intertestamental Yahudi, meliputi Apokrifa, Pseudepigrafa, dan Teks Qumran yang memproyeksikan pemikiran Second Temple Periode Judaism. Melalui metode analisis tematik dan komparasi, ditemukan bahwa sastra intertestamental Yahudi memberikan warisan terhadap doktrin Trinitas di dalam Surat Efesus berupa konsep Allah sebagai Bapa, pengangkatan umat sebagai anak Allah (adopsi), Mesias sebagai Tuhan dan Anak Allah, peran Mesias Raja dan Mesias Imam, Mesias yang mati, serta konsep Roh Kudus yang berdiam di dalam komunitas, memberi dorongan nubuat, serta sebagai sumber pengetahuan, pembimbing dan pelindung. Akhirnya dapat ditegaskan, bahwa bahwa pengaruh Yahudi jauh lebih besar daripada pengaruh Yunani dalam doktrin Trinitas.


sastra intertestamental; surat Efesus; trinitas

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53827/lz.v7i1.158


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